Thanks to the Pirogov Interactive Anatomy Table, medical students can practice contentedly on digitally anatomized cadavers rendered on a computer screen. It is one of the latest medical training technology tools available today and has just been put into use by VinUni University.
Replacing the medical school scene with imagination
Nguyen The Duy, M.D., graduated from one of the leading medical universities with modern facilities, now a student of Internal Medicine, VinUni University. He recalled the excitement when he first used the Pirogov Interactive Anatomy Table. This product was developed by Russian scientists and medical experts, based on international proficiency and the latest intelligent technologies in anatomy.
According to the Ho Chi Minh City doctor, in nowadays studying of anatomy, apart from textbooks, pictures, and simple models – only certain schools allow their students to learn on the human body of donors. However, many organs and human parts have been deformed due to formalin immersion treatment. The morphology is no longer as accurate as a living body, possibly even 20-30% different from the real body structure.
“This sometimes causes distress and confusion in new doctors when operating on real people,” the young doctor confided.
Therefore, the Pirogov Interactive Anatomy Table that VinUni recently acquired is the technology solution that will innovate the medical training of VinUni in particular and of Vietnam in general.
Pirogov Interactive Anatomy Table is a tool replacing actual cadavers in medical training. It contains two digitally anatomized cadavers – one male, one female. This computer-simulated surgery table is designed to look like a giant tablet, 8K touch screen with high-resolution 3D imaging technology, real-time display speed, and easy manipulation.
Students can virtually dissect an unlimited number of cadavers on this 3D table. Every detail of the human body parts and layers is displayed in 3-dimensional space with the internal structure and interrelated relationship. Even small parts such as blood vessels or nerves, which are difficult to see with the naked eye, appear sharp and realistic.
According to Surgeon Professor Stephen Schiffer of the VinUni College of Health Sciences, donated cadavers were very popular for studying Human Anatomy. However, exposure to highly toxic chemicals preserving corpses affects the health of both students and teachers. Besides, corpses are getting increasingly scarce; student cannot use them repeatedly and extensively, so frequently, it is only for display.
The Georgetown University (Top 15 best universities in the US) professor said an interactive anatomy table is a useful tool, especially for medical training worldwide and in Vietnam in particular. One of many Pirogov Interactive Anatomy Table advantages is that this technology allows connection to external monitors, which is suitable for teaching and learning of many students at the same time. The Pirogov is the only product on the market that comes with USB flash drives for lecturers and students to download and install on personal computers for remote teaching and self-study.
“This is especially meaningful in the Covid-19 pandemic social distancing period with increasing online learning demand”, Professor Stephen Schiffer assessed.
Investing big bucks in technology equipment for medical training
Pirogov is one of much-advanced technology equipment arriving in Vietnam for the first time, serving the medical training of VinUni. For instance, the Simulation Center is a high-tech miniature hospital. There are state-of-the-art high-fidelity simulators with full circulatory and respiratory functions and even feel pain just like a real human. A Robotic high-fidelity simulator is simulated with different diseases and reactions for students to practice on in all situations, just like it would happen in real life.
“VinUni invests heavily in the Medical Simulation Center to not only teach clinical techniques to prospective doctors. More importantly, to train students in communication skills and empathy with patients, also” Associate Professor Le Cu Linh, Vice-Dean of the College of Health Sciences, VinUni University said.
According to the Ministry of Health, simulation training is a new education trend applied in many fields, including medicine. It is becoming more popular, especially in large hospitals and world-leading medical universities.
At VinUni, students will learn more than just the theory, practice procedures, and care procedures. They will also experience real-world hypothetical clinical situations to develop a diagnosis, fast action, and after-care. They will participate in treatment planning to increasing their capability and teamwork collaboration. This teaching model’s strong point is that it creates many practice opportunities for students and medical staff in a much safer environment than actual clinical practice.
“In Vietnam, this form of training is still quite new. The construction of a large-scale and comprehensive simulation center by VinUni will help improve the quality of training, contribute to improving the quality of the medical training system in Vietnam as a whole”, Pham Van Tac, Ph.D., Director of Department of Science, Technology, and Training, Ministry of Health, stated.
Along with the international standard programs that are consulted and developed by the University of Pennsylvania (USA), VinUni is the leading medical training institution in Vietnam.
A system of well-invested equipment and technology is a strong pillar building up the first elite university in Vietnam to be awarded five stars in the Facilities category by Quacquarelli Symonds, the world’s leading higher education ranking organization. Modern equipment such as the Pirogov Interactive Anatomy Table recently acquired by VinUni demonstrates its commitment to pioneering the most advanced medical technologies in the educational program.
“This is something to be proud of; it results from dedicated development and continuous efforts by the VinUni collective. It lays the foundation towards the launch of VinUni onto the path of developing the future global talents and inscribing Vietnam on the ‘golden table’ of higher education in the world”, Professor Rohit Verma, Rector of VinUni University, shared.