Global Faculty Affiliates Program

Global Faculty Affiliates Program


As VinUni CHS grows, our three flagship programs (UME, UNE, and GME) will continuously be in need of dedicated, skilled, and diverse faculty to contribute to our trainees’ opportunities for teaching, mentorship, career advising and research collaboration. While in just a few short years since VinUni’s inception we have cultivated dozens of meaningful institutional partnerships locally (e.g. Vinmec Health System, Military 108 Central Hospital, National Children’s Hospital, and others), nationally (Ho Chi Minh City UMP), regionally and globally, there remains a need to increase the number of experts on our adjunct faculty. This is particularly true for certain specialty areas that are not as well established in Vietnam as elsewhere, or for certain areas of research. We currently have an opportunity to fill this gap through the model called the Global Faculty Affiliates Program (GFAP).


Global Faculty Affiliates are faculty appointed by VinUni under a special adjunct series that does not come with salary support, but does offer other benefits in return for a defined role in supporting our trainees. GFAP faculty are typically based outside of Vietnam, have a demonstrated expertise in at least one of the following areas: medical/ nursing/ public health education, subspecialty training, or impactful research, and have a passion to make a meaningful contribution to VinUni CHS’ overall vision and mission. Although most GFAP faculty will be current faculty at another institution of higher learning, this will not be an absolute requirement. For example, a medical educator who works in government, industry, or the non-profit sector may be an excellent GFAP candidate. If GFAP faculty are already appointed faculty at another institution, then VinUni would recognize their achievement and appoint them at the same rank. Appointments would be made for 2 years, and renewable upon request if the faculty is in good standing.

For GFAP faculty who plan to spend at least 2 weeks onsite teaching, there may be support possible for economy airfare and travel accommodation. This is contingent upon family availability.

Roles/Responsibilities of GFAP Faculty

  • During every academic year, dedicate a minimum of 20 hours to trainee education in any of the following domains: online or in person lectures, career advising sessions with trainees, mentorship/sponsorship sessions with trainees, research collaborations with trainees.
  • Alternatively, the GFAP faculty can dedicate a full week of in-person training during the course of their 2 year commitment.
  • GFAP faculty will be expected to provide mentorship/career advising to at least 1 VinUni trainee (UME/UNE/GME/other) per academic year, holding at least 2 meetings online or in person.
  • GFAP faculty will be expected to attend at least one meeting per year with the director of the GFAP program which will be an opportunity for VinUni to update GFAP faculty on the status of CHS, new initiatives, and so on.
  • If interested, GFAP faculty can request to complete a sabbatical in-residence at VinUni to engage in research/teaching activities.
  • GFAP faculty who publish original articles in peer-reviewed journals or who have abstract presentations at national/international academic conferences are encouraged to add VinUniversity College of Health Sciences as a secondary affiliation. When articles are published, GFAP faculty are encouraged to forward the articles to our staff for record keeping purposes, and so we can celebrate your accomplishments.

Roles/Responsibilities of VinUni CHS

  • Facilitate the appointment of the GFAP faculty
  • Update CHS website to include a separate GFAP faculty page that has updated bios of the faculty
  • Provide GFAP faculty with periodic updates about the various aspects of the school, including highlights about student success, new partnerships etc
  • For GFAP faculty who are interested in research collaborations, CHS will make a reasonable effort to connect them with VinUni faculty who may be interested in collaborating
  • CHS will facilitate, where requested, opportunities for GFAP faculty to give online or in person talks about their areas of expertise (med ed, clinical, innovation or research)
  • If research collaborations occur between GFAP and VinUni faculty, CHS may be able to facilitate introductions to funded research programs internally or externally
  • If GFAP faculty plan to make a dedicated trip to teach our trainees for at least 1 week’s duration (40 hours), then VinUni CHS may, if funding allows, support the GFAP faculty’s economy class travel and local accommodations
  • More support may be available for GFAP faculty who volunteer to do sabbaticals (3 months and longer) at VinUni.

Of note, GFAP faculty will not be financially compensated for their service. However, they will have the recognition of being affiliated with VinUni, opportunities to teach and mentor our trainees, and potential chances to engage in new research projects.



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