Our Curriculum

Program Curriculum

VinUni residency curricula are based on international, evidence-based training standards and ACGME-I requirements. The curricula were developed through rigorous work based on collaboration between VinUniversity and the University of Pennsylvania, USA. The goals of our curricula are to:

  • Train future clinical leaders in pediatric medicine
  • Produce highly competent and compassionate physicians who demonstrate professional excellence.
  • Provide mentorship, coaching, and graded supervision by dedicated clinical faculty in order to help trainees develop into future leaders and educators.
  • Provide formative and summative assessments, both of which are essential components for professional growth.

Unique features of our clinical experiences include:

  1. Team-Based Model with Graded Supervision: We follow a US-model team-based care approach where both senior and junior residents, as well as medical students, work together under the guidance of a faculty member to provide care for a group of patients. In this model, junior residents and/or students handle front-line responsibilities such as placing orders and performing patient care tasks, while senior residents take on a supervisory role, overseeing and supporting the junior trainees. This model empowers junior residents as the primary physicians, promotes critical thinking skills, and helps senior residents develop attending-level leadership skills.
  2. Simulation: Residents at VinUni have access to a world-class simulation center where they can practice and reinforce important clinical skills. This opportunity allows residents to enhance their skills and confidence through simulation before providing care to real patients.
  3. Diverse experiences in clinical settings: Our residents will train at Vietnam National Children’s Hospital (VNCH) and Vinmec International Hospital (VMEC). Residents have the opportunity to learn about various diseases in a top-notch public pediatric hospital and experience high-quality, patient-centered care at a JCI-accredited international hospital.
  4. 4. International Observerships: Senior residents may be eligible to participate in observership experiences at a number of our international partner sites.
  5. Longitudinal Outpatient Clinic: Our residents will rotate in a longitudinal outpatient clinic owned by Vinmec and VinUniversity. The residents will have the opportunity to serve as primary physicians at the clinic under the supervision of faculty members.
  6. Teaching Conferences: We offer a diverse array of teaching conferences for our residents including innovative resident-led case-based discussions, didactic sessions, journal clubs, and workshops on important topics such as quality improvement (QI), patient safety, well-being and resilience, etc.
  7. Community Pediatrics and Advocacy Experiences: Through these experiences, residents develop an understanding of the impact of social needs on children’s health, become aware of available community resources to support children and their families, and learn when and how to make referrals to community organizations.
  8. Competency-Based Assessment and Evaluation: In contrast to the traditional model of assessment (exams) in medical education, our residents are evaluated via an competency-based framework, mostly through direct observation. Domains of assessment include patient care, medical knowledge, systems-based practice, practice-based learning and improvement, professionalism, and interpersonal skills and communication. We emphasize to our faculty the importance of providing regular, high-quality feedback to our residents for their professional and personal growth.